Joanne Crisp embarks on new journey with Intrepid Travel
By Pragadish Kirubakaran in Marcoms News on Friday, 03rd November 2023 at 3:28pmIn a significant career move, Joanne Crisp has stepped into the role of Head of PR and Communications for the Asia-Pacific region at Intrepid Travel. She is expected to bring new energy to the renowned travel company known for its purpose-led experiences and global presence.
Crisp expressed her excitement about joining the iconic Australian brand and leading the teams to focus on amplifying the brand’s standing as a leading travel company committed to benefiting the world.
“I’ve long admired Intrepid’s iconic Australian brand, and I look forward to leading the local team across Australia, New Zealand and Asia to grow our reputation as the best travel company in the world.”
Crisp noted that she was eager to establish connections with media partners, and colleagues within the in...
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