About Us

We are an easy to use booking platform that is more than just a simple calendar. Improve your customer experience and streamline your staff dispatching to efficiently get more jobs done and increase your bottom line. Automated/Manual Schedule and Dispatch Manually or automatically schedule and dispatch staff to jobs with all the information they need to perform the service call. Quality Control Checks Set checklists and require quality assurance photos pre and post job to ensure high quality service and prevent liability in the event of a dispute. Job GPS and Staff Tracking Never be left in the dark. Clients and admins can track the location and status of an employee or contractor on their way to the job site. Staff, Client and Admin Chat Maintain open lines of communications but keep it professional by setting up the canned responses your staff are allowed to use when messaging a customer. Point-of-Sale in Mobile App Use the fieldd mobile app to complete transactions on site as well as use promo code and up-sell additional services to customers. Job Invoice System Create branded invoices and have them sent out automatically to paying customers or send the invoices to your accounting department for processing. Create Promo Codes and Memberships Create promo codes for on-going deals redeemable on your website or app. Also, create membership programs for your most loyal customers. Smart-Geofence Zone Mapping Never be late to a job again. Our AI system establishes localized service areas to maximize job coverage and efficiency while reducing travel costs. Email and SMS Marketing Make the customer experience memorable by customizing all the email and SMS notifications they receive by branding each with your logos, colors and content. Automated Payment Reconciliation Receive payments, set taxes and fees, issue refunds, make adjustments and pay your staff and contractors automatically from one platform. Contractor Payroll, Crew Scheduling, and more

Websites & Online Services
Work: https://fieldd.co/

Office: 6049358789

Office: 1826 Mast Tower Lane, Vancouver, V6H3X7, Canada