Announcement posted by John Morris Group 28 Aug 2014
From infrared thermometers to thermocouple thermometers, John Morris Scientific
presents Cole-Parmer’s new Digi-Sense™ line of temperature measurement
instruments offers the cost and time savings of precalibration. Customers can
depend on the accuracy of the meters right out of the box.
The selection includes the Digi-Sense® 12:1
IR Thermometer with Alarm and NIST Traceable Calibtarion to
safely and easily locate hot and cold spots, which can save costs by preventing
ongoing problems. The IR meter includes a trigger lock for continuous scanning.
The Digi-Sense® Precalibrated
Professional Thermocouple Thermometer is a type K thermometer
with a rugged and heavy-duty casing to withstand knocks and jarring in everyday
use. The unit accepts a wide variety of type K thermocouple probes with a mini-connector.
The Digi-Sense® 8:1
Infrared Stick Thermometer with NIST Traceable Calibration fits
comfortably in a user’s hand to deliver precise measurements quickly without
touching the object. Laser sighting pinpoints the centre of the measurement
To view the full line of Digi-Sense products, go to
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