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Latrobe City Business Chamber Elevates Business Networking in the Region

Announcement posted by Latrobe City Business Chamber 04 Mar 2024

The Latrobe City Business Chamber is delighted to continue its commitment to fostering business connections in the Latrobe Valley with the hosting of their next networking event - Tee Up for Success Golf Day.   


Ramping up its efforts to facilitate business opportunities for the community, the Chamber's next event is set to take place at the pristine grounds of the Yallourn Golf Club, Newborough on Friday 22 March 2024, starting at 2pm.


The networking events the chamber hosts are designed to target local business owners and entrepreneurs who recognise the transformative power of networking. 


Peter Ceeney, President of the Latrobe City Business Chamber, said, "We believe that networking is at the heart of business success in the region and our goal is to provide a platform where local business owners can connect, exchange ideas, and create synergies that drive local economic growth." 


Post covid, networking events are seeing a resurgence and is something the local chamber aims to be at the forefront of.  


The next event promises an engaging and friendly atmosphere where business connections can be nurtured and economic prospects explored. All local business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals are encouraged to attend.  


For more information or to register for the event, visit www.lcbc.org.au or contact the committee organisers at marketing@lcbc.org.au