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Industry leaders’ in the Cloud infrastructure sector partner to raise awareness about the growing career opportunities within the sector

Announcement posted by Careers in the Cloud 27 Feb 2024

Sydney, Australia, 26 February 2024 -- With demand for Data Centres and other Cloud service providers predicted to grow rapidly in the coming decade, the competition to attract new talent to build operate and maintain this type of complex network infrastructure is intense.

Leading Cloud infrastructure operators and service providers have recognised that their toughest competition for scarce STEM talent actually comes from other infrastructure sectors, such as road, 
rail or energy - and can agree that the current lack of awareness about Cloud infrastructure careers is their biggest, shared problem. 

This challenge has prompted a growing group of Cloud infrastructure operators and service providers to come together to look at ways to pool resources and collectively raise the sector's profile in an effort to grow the specialist talent pool that they can all draw upon.

Initially sponsored by Alliance SI, Careers in the Cloud is a sectoral initiative launched in November last year. Strong interest from initial launch discussions has seen more than 20 organisations signed up or registering interest to join as partners to the Careers in the Cloud initiative. 

Sponsored by Alliance SI, a forum is scheduled for late March to bring these players together and win clear commitments to a simple plan for awareness raising activities into the new financial year. The aim is to engage with government initiatives like the NSW Digital Skills and Workforce Compact, with training providers and recruitment specialists, and with interest groups such as Tradeswomen Australia or the Uptime Institute to develop a complementary array of focussed activities. 

For details about the initiative and confirmed network partners, visit careersinthecloud.com.au


About Careers in the Cloud
Careers in the Cloud is an industry initiative to raise the profile of the Cloud infrastructure sector as a great place to work, through the collaboration and partnership of the organisations who make the cloud function. 

The initiative is being designed to promote career opportunities and provide information about our working sector to school leavers, apprentices, ICT graduates and suitably trained people from other sectors and offshore labour markets. It aims to showcase our sector as a welcoming, secure and inclusive place to work for men and women, young and old.

About Alliance SI
Alliance SI is the trusted network infrastructure partner for many world-leading network operators across Australia. Where network performance is mission-critical, Alliance SI have the experience, know-how and processes needed to deliver world-class uptime reliability, project cost minimisation and pain-free IT issue management.

From data centre fit out and upgrades, ICT installation and relocations, to remote network roll-outs and instant resolution of unplanned outages, many of the world's leading network owners rely on Alliance SI to assure the infrastructure-level performance they depend upon for business success.