Award-Winning ATMOS Global ™ to Deliver Key Address at Prestigious Positioning Hydrogen 2023 Conference in Melbourne, Australia
Announcement posted by ATMOS Global Pty Ltd 21 Sep 2023
Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, a distinguished industry expert, will take the spotlight as a key speaker at the eagerly awaited and prestigious Positioning Hydrogen 2023 Conference (November 27th - 29th, 2023) hosted at the renowned Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Australia. The conference will bring together participants from the entire hydrogen value chain with the goal of exhibiting solutions and innovations for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage and distribution, safety and emergency services, and applications in a wide range of industries. Industrial experts and decision makers from around the world will talk about and show off the latest technologies, engineering solutions and future trends. Prism Scientific Services, based in Melbourne, have been organising clean energy conferences for the past few years demonstrating outstanding dedication in bringing together industry and academics.

Dr Orestis D. Valianatos is the Global President and CEO of ATMOS Global Pty Ltd (ATMOS Global ™), a highly accredited and accomplished professional company director, an astute investor in the capital markets, an established innovator, a role model, a visionary thinker with a diverse portfolio of formal qualifications (BSc, MSc, PhD in Atmospheric Physics, Climate & Sustainability, Master of Business Administration, Professional Doctorate in International Business and Sustainability, Corporate Governance training as a Professional Board Director, and soon a Diploma of Finance), experience, unique insight and influential global perspective across multiple domains including management consulting, climate, leadership, strategy and innovation in sustainability, ESG, carbon neutrality strategies, climate-tech, thematic and sustainable investing. Entrepreneur and agent of change, he has authored more than 50 ground-breaking international research papers as a subject matter expert working in partnership with senior personnel from government departments, universities and major private clients from the mining, manufacturing and energy & utilities sectors to pioneer, encourage and support the use of high-end AI technologies to solve significant business problems and address urgent community needs.
ATMOS Global's super-intelligent AI algorithms, platforms and comprehensive data analysis enable businesses to proactively respond to potential risks and optimise their operations, ultimately enhancing safety, productivity, sustainability, asset protection, and empower them to decarbonise and achieve their NetZero targets. Our team is honoured to continue our contribution to shaping the future of technology, industry and our society. We will continue building our decades long legacy of inspiring the adoption of high-end computer modelling and AI enhanced innovations to assist companies achieve better results, consider the benefits of leveraging their resources to their fullest potential and embrace adaptability and flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities available to them.
ATMOS Global is a wholly Australian owned, funded, and managed prestigious global consulting firm specialising in visionary investments and management consulting, sustainability and ESG leadership, renewable energy, advanced air quality and severe weather forecasting. Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, our world-wide presence is facilitated by a world-class global network that spans all five continents. For decades, we have upheld the highest global leadership standards. ATMOS Global has diligently crafted its esteemed reputation over a span of thirty years. Our leadership in the AI field is a consequence of significant investments in research and development, complemented by the cultivation of robust client and peer relationships. As we approach our 30th anniversary on November 21, 2023, we reflect on our enduring commitment to excellence.
ATMOS Global has been honoured as the recipient of the 'Most Innovative Atmosphere & Air Quality Consultancy 2023' global category at the prestigious 'Industrial Production and Manufacturing Awards' presented by The Business Concept in July 2023.
ATMOS Global has just been nominated as one of the 'Top 10 Mining Service Companies 2023' globally by a renowned overseas publication following their independent evaluation panel's research - the official announcement will be published in a special edition of their magazine.
For further information please contact:
Global President and Chief Executive Officer
ATMOS Global Pty Ltd (ATMOS Global)
This is a trademark registered by ATMOS Global ™ in Australia, USA, Canada and UK in 2010.
Phone: +61-1300-69-28667 (+61-1300-MY-ATMOS)