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The waterproof savior of colorful buildings in Australia; Correct Caulking’s revolutionary vibrant caulking solutions!

Announcement posted by Correct Caulking 23 Aug 2023

Australia, the heart of beautiful, colorful, and old Victorian lace architecture painted in striking colors has a new best friend in its ruthless fight against weather wear and tear. Correct Caulking established in 2018, an award-winning leader in the construction business, has proudly announced its vibrant caulking solutions, particularly designed for Australian aesthetics. The latest innovation guarantees 100% waterproofing without compromising the vibrancy and beauty of the structure. 


Famous for its dynamic climate—From torrential rains to scorching heat, Australia has always posed a serious challenge to the durability and vibrancy of its architecture and construction companies. Correct Caulking’s extensive caulking solutions offer a variety of colors—from pastel pinks to neon greens with unparalleled waterproofing solutions that blend with the aesthetics of your building seamlessly. 


“Waterproofing is a legit concern in Australia, provided our diverse climatic zones range from tropical, temperature to arid.” Remarked Jono Thornely, CEO of Correct Caulking. “Consequently, the water seepage in our country is a nightmare. Caulking solutions are not something new or revolutionary. However, we decided to break free of the traditional norms and bring life to your spaces by adding warmth and energy without compromising the visual aesthetics of your buildings.”


Correct Caulking’s caulking services have been tried and tested for over 6 years under the roughest weather to check the durability and performance under scorching heat and deluge of rain. It has been proven that the buildings will be shielded against extreme conditions while retaining their distinctive look and colors for many years to come. 


Renowned Australian magazine, in their latest edit, cheered the new product, “Vibrant caulking solutions is a mastermind that strikes the right balance between efficiency and aesthetics. We’re glad that in the future, the need to sacrifice beauty for functionality is diminished. Rather, it would coexist in the most beautiful form.”



Australia, in its truest form, is a landmark of beautiful, Victorian buildings that speak of the culture and spirit of the country. Correct Caulking is devoted to offer these buildings the shining, budding, and prosperous life that they deserve. 




**About Correct Caulking**

Correct Caulking is an award-winning construction business, operating under the tutelage of the creative brains of Jono Thornely for over 6 years. Dedicated to sustainability and innovation, Correct Caulking believes in green building and introducing eco-friendly products in the construction market. 



**For media inquiries, contact: correctcaulking@gmail.com**
