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Announcement posted by Gander 06 Jul 2023

Designed to help Aussies save money at the supermarket and combat food wastage, Gander is an Aussie-first app, launching nationally today.

Built to address the pressing issues of food waste, the rising cost of living and pressures on household budgets, Gander is an innovative mobile app set to revolutionise the way Australians shop for groceries. 


In a first for Australia, Gander presents an innovative solution that connects shoppers with discounted food items nearing their expiration dates, providing substantial savings while significantly reducing food waste in supermarkets and grocery stores.


With Gander headquartered in Bundall on the Gold Coast, Spano’s IGA is the first retailer in Australia to embrace Gander’s technology, with all six of their stores now spearheading the movement towards a net-zero independent retail sector, in line with the Government’s goal to halve food waste by 2030.


Developed using cutting-edge technology, Gander empowers consumers by offering real-time information on markdowns available in nearby retail stores. 


“Gander offers a win-win-win solution; for consumers, retailers and the planet. By simply incorporating the app into their weekly shopping habits, Australians can play an active role in building a sustainable future,” said Tim Brown, one of the founders of Gander Australia.


By simply downloading the free app, shoppers gain access to a wide range of food products that are approaching their sell-by dates but are still perfectly good to consume. 


The app integrates with a retailer’s point-of-sale system to ensure a live feed of data from the shop floor. As a product is marked-down in store, it is displayed on the app in real-time and similarly, when sold or removed from the shelves, the item is removed from the app.


Currently, retailers rely on shoppers sporadically finding markdowns in store, resulting in over half of this food going to waste. 


With Gander, this food is automatically showcased to local residents and commuters, motivating them to nip in and bag a bargain, not only enabling significant savings on groceries but also supporting retailers in their efforts to reduce food waste and minimise their carbon footprint.


Each year, the Australian retail sector contributes approximately 286,000 tonnes of food waste to landfill. As this waste decomposes, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is even more potent than carbon dioxide. 


Holistically, food waste accounts for 3% of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions thus feeding climate change, while one-third of Australian households face food insecurity.


"Food waste is a critical issue that requires immediate attention, especially in the face of the climate crisis and rising living cost,” said Mr Brown. 


"The average Australian household spends between $2,000–$2,500 per year on food that is wasted, yet still, almost half of Australians can’t afford to fill their trolley with groceries due to the rising cost of food.”


“We believe that by providing shoppers with a tangible solution that fits seamlessly into their daily routines, we can drive positive change and make a lasting impact on both the environment and people's wallets."


Gander has already made a significant impact in the United Kingdom since launching in 2019 where it has been successfully implemented in over 500 stores and estimated to have diverted over 25 million items of food from waste into the hands of savvy shoppers. 


Now, the app is extending its reach into Australia, a country that consistently ranks as a leading contributor to the global food waste problem. 


Now available in all six Spano’s IGA in the Gold Coast, Warwick, Gatton and Stanthorpe, local shoppers will be able to take part in the fight against food waste and enjoy significant savings on their groceries.


“At Spano’s IGA, we’re proud to be Australia’s first partner for the Gander App.” said Frank Spano, CEO of Spano’s IGA, and Retail Chairman of IGA Queensland & Northern New South Wales. 


“Innovations like this exciting app prove that implementing meaningful, sustainability solutions doesn’t need to cost a lot, but can make a huge impact on our store’s waste, and provide huge value for our customers”.



The Gander app is available for download on iOS and Android devices.


For more information, visit www.ganderapp.com.au


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Emily Halloran                        M10 Collective  

0432 041 137                           emily@m10.com.au


Amy Stalinescu                       M10 Collective  

0411 789 195                           amy@m10.com.au