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Introducing Australian first AI-powered media expert Timbot

Announcement posted by Unmade 23 Jun 2023

An AI-Driven Media Expert, Providing Insights from Two Decades of Media Knowledge

Unmade, an Australian media and marketing news platform, is excited to introduce TimBot, a state-of-the-art AI-driven media expert. 


Based on the contents of Tim Burrowes’ book "Media Unmade: Australian Media’s Most Disruptive Decade" and a repository of knowledge drawn from Unmade's last two years of content, TimBot aims to revolutionize how media knowledge is accessed and utilized. 

In an Australian-first innovation in artificial intelligence, users can now interact with TimBot at timbot.ai, ask questions and receive AI-generated answers.


As a prototype, TimBot is constantly learning and evolving, aiming to improve its responsiveness and reduce error rates.


This innovative project is a collaborative effort between Unmade, led in-house by Cat McGinn, and the generative AI consultancy Fear of Missing Art, led by Nic Hodges. Abe’s Audio has also been a vital partner on this project.


The design of TimBot leans heavily on OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. Despite the tremendous computing power it offers, the team has been careful to navigate the technology’s tendencies to produce inaccuracies. 


By restricting the AI's scope to the writing of Tim Burrowes and the Unmade editorial team. and not the wider web, the answers provided by TimBot are verified and accurate, drawing from a narrow but deep database.


This groundbreaking initiative is a proof of concept that could have significant implications for book and journalism publishers. It explores whether the knowledge and writing style of a particular writer can be turned into a useful chatbot.


TimBot is not just a tool; it's an AI media expert that can make uncanny connections between items that a human may not spot. As such, it has already become an indispensable tool for referencing and checking facts in "Media Unmade."


TimBot uses ChatGPT-3.5 to reformulate the user’s question, including pulling out relevant content from the book and newsletter. ChatGPT-3.5 then uses this to synthesise the best answer, which it finally passes along to the more powerful, but slower ChatGPT-4.

ChatGPT-4 then tidies up this answer and, based on training on Tim’s voice, attempts to recreate an answer in his unique style. 


While currently open for all users to experience, TimBot may eventually become an exclusive benefit for Unmade’s paying members. 


The team is currently building a voice extension and Timbot will soon be able to answer user’s questions with AI-generated speech, making the content more accessible.


Cat McGinn will be presenting more details about TimBot and its development process as part of Unmade’s AI conference for media and marketing, humAIn - human creativity X AI.


For more information and to arrange interviews, please contact Cat McGinn cat@unmade.media / 0429 503 605