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New data reveals headaches hit 79% of Australian households hard costing the Australian economy over $35.7 billion annually – with stress the biggest trigger

Announcement posted by Australian Chiropractors Association 21 May 2023

New data reveals headaches hit 79% of Australian households hard costing the Australian economy over $35.7 billion annually – with stress the biggest trigger


Today, the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) launched Spinal Health Week (22 - 28 May 2023) with the release of a new independent survey, ‘The Impact of Headaches in Australia’ conducted by Pure Profile, revealing the true impact of headaches on the lives of 65% of Australians that costs the Australian economy over $35.7 billion annually.

Spinal Health Week is Australia’s longest-running national campaign (over 25 years) dedicated to improving the spinal health and wellbeing of all Australians. In 2023, the campaign’s focus is on headaches and what Australians can do to minimise the acute impact headaches have on families, workers and the economy. 

More Australians suffer from migraine or tension headaches than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined with the survey revealing the most common headache triggers being stress (at home, work and school) and spinal health conditions.

According to the independent survey commissioned by the ACA, ‘The Impact of Headaches in Australia’, stress is the leading headache trigger for 70% of Australian headache sufferers while 96% of ACA accredited chiropractors surveyed observed stress as the most prevalent headache trigger followed by neck pain. 

With more than 7 million Australians suffering tension headaches and 4.9 million suffering chronic migraines, headaches are holding Australians back from living their best life by restricting social activity, concentration and productivity at home and work, resulting in a diminished quality of life for many sufferers.

Dr David Cahill, Chiropractor and President of the ACA said, “The Impact of Headaches in Australia survey, shows the disturbing consequences of headaches in the majority (79%) of Australian households.” 

The national survey of more than 1000 participants showed 88% of households aged 18-40 years suffer from headaches, 84% of headache sufferers are working-age Australians (18-60 year-olds), while the highest incidences of headaches nationally was in the 31-40 age bracket.

“Alarmingly, Australian headache sufferers cited stress as the leading cause (70%) of headaches, 59% said poor sleep was a contributing factor while 52% reported neck pain as triggers for headache,” said Dr Cahill.

The survey also shows that more Australian women suffer headaches (74%) than men at 54%. Significantly, 59% of female headache sufferers experienced headaches every week. Also more than 71% of headache sufferers reported experiencing spine-related pain.

“Migraine and tension headaches are the most common headache disorders. However, there are many types of headaches and many triggers that cause them. While some may be just a mild inconvenience, others can be severe, chronic and have a debilitating effect on the daily life of sufferers,” Dr Cahill said. 

“Headaches relating to spinal health conditions can be cervicogenic (neck related) while tension headaches and migraines can be triggered by stress, neck and spinal problems,” said Dr Cahill.

“While the annual cost of headaches to the Australian economy is in the billions, ACA’s survey has exposed the true cost to headache sufferers as immeasurable when headaches and migraines have a dramatic and debilitating impact on every aspect of their lives,” Dr Cahill said.

“The burden of headaches can rob sufferers of sleep, essential relaxation, social activities, precious time with children, family and friends, and can greatly restrict productivity at home, work and school,” he said.

Of all headache sufferers, 74% said they experienced difficulty concentrating, 70% said they became more irritable, 65% said they lost sleep due to headaches, 59% said they experienced mental exhaustion, 47% experienced physical exhaustion, 41% said headaches impacted their ability to work, and 37% said headaches impacted their ability to perform daily activities. 

Of the 514 female respondents, 74% said they suffered headaches, 18% reported their children suffered headaches and 23% said their partner also suffered from headaches.

40% of women said headaches impacted their ability to perform daily activities. 24% reported struggling with depression or anxiety as a consequence of headaches. 23% said headaches impacted their social life. 15% said headaches impacted their ability to engage and play with their children while over 14% said suffering headaches impacted their relationships with family and friends.

The fact that women are more affected by headaches according to the survey was verified in an internal ACA chiropractor survey where 95% reported female patients are the most afflicted by headaches and 62% of chiropractors said many headache patients also present with other spinal health conditions.

Chiropractic healthcare may relieve headaches and migraines in many cases, and may also be able to effectively treat the cause to minimise headache re-occurrence and other spinal health problems which, according to the ACA chiropractor’s survey, 66% of chiropractors saw an increase in patients presenting with headaches during the COVID-19 pandemic due to increased stress and neck pain induced by poorly set up workspaces at home.

Of those respondents in the independent survey that said they’d consulted a chiropractor for headaches, 89% reported headache relief with 81% also reporting gaining additional spinal health benefits. 

Following chiropractic treatment, 86% of female patients reported relief from headaches. 42% reported their headaches either significantly improved or were totally resolved, and 81% reported gaining additional spinal health benefits including relief from back and neck pain, improvements in mood, sleep, flexibility and energy resulting in improved overall quality of life.

“However, according to the survey, Australians appear to consider headaches to be a ‘normal part of everyday life’ and only treat the symptoms with over the counter medications rather than seek professional, drug-free healthcare to identify and treat the cause which can often be spine-related,” Dr Cahill said. 

“What we found troubling is that over 50% of headache sufferers only treated the symptoms by popping a pill rather than consulting a chiropractor to relieve headaches and limit re-occurrence by treating the cause rather than masking an often treatable spinal health condition,” he said.

While medication has a role to play in managing some headaches, all medication should be considered in light of potential side effects that is not without risk, including the commonly used painkiller, paracetamol. 

With the recent decision of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to reduce the maximum size of paracetamol product packs due to the marked increase of paracetamol poisoning cases and toxic liver diseases caused by paracetamol overdose; consulting a chiropractor for drug-free treatment of headaches is a far healthier option and the leading treatment of choice among many headache sufferers. 

ACA accredited chiropractors are Australia’s leaders in providing proven relaxation methods and drug-free holistic healthcare that treats the underlying causes of headaches and not just the symptoms.

People experiencing headaches can download ACA’s free Headache Fact Sheet from consultachiro.org.au and for drug-free pain relief, headache sufferers should consult an ACA accredited chiropractor who can provide quality chiropractic healthcare encompassing stress management, good posture, regular exercise, rest and a healthy diet to promote overall health and wellbeing.

During national Spinal Health Week 2023, the ACA is tackling spine related headaches ‘head on’ by increasing awareness of the painful condition and improving spinal health through effective, non-invasive, drug-free treatments to limit the impact of headaches on the quality of life of over 13 million Australians.

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www.spinalhealthweek.org.au  | www.consultachiro.org.au 

#SpinalHealthWeek #ConsultAChiro #Headache #HeadacheConsultAChiro #ChiropracticHealthcare

NOTE: See PDF Media Release for complete Journalist Notes including key findings of ‘The Impact of Headaches in Australia’ and references.


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For interviews, images and vision for National Spinal Health Week, contact: Insight Communications: 02 9518 4744

Clare Collins M: 0414 821 957 E: clare@insightcommunications.net.au

Alice Collins M: 0414 686 091 E: alice@insightcommunications.net.au


MEDIA CENTRE: Download high resolution images and footage click here: bit.ly/SHW-23



Dr David Cahill – President, Australian Chiropractors Association - National, NSW & Victoria
ACA President, Dr David Cahill has been a registered, practicing chiropractor since 1991, in the Malvern East area since 1998. He loves helping people of all ages, from newborn babies and toddlers, to those in their more senior years.  David has always been very active in post-graduate education, continually upskilling in many aspects of chiropractic. David was the chiropractor for the Hawthorn Football Club from 2016 to 2020. He enjoys taking care of the elite footballers, integrating his chiropractic care in a team with the other support disciplines, particularly physiotherapy.  David’s passion is to truly help people have transformative experiences through chiropractic, and to better explore their magnificent potential.

Dr Damian Kristof – Vice President, Australian Chiropractors Association - National, NSW & Victoria

Nutritionist, Naturopath and Chiropractor, Dr Damian Kristof is a highly sought-after presenter and speaker in the Wellness industry. With over 20 years of experience, Damian’s in-depth knowledge of the body, nervous system, food functions and responses coupled with his friendly and dynamic presenting style, has him in high demand. Focusing on food as key to unlocking optimal health and wellness, Damian presents in-depth facts and concepts that have never before been readily available to the public - offering all audiences from industry experts to the general public highly valuable content as he engages, educates and inspires audiences across the globe.

Dr Anthony Coxon – National & Victoria 

Anthony is a caring and respected chiropractor with 30 years’ experience. In 2009, he completed Post Doctorate studies in Chiropractic Neurorehabilitation. This additional qualification gives Anthony skills in dealing with more complex cases, particularly patients that experience balance disorders and dizziness. He is the current Vice President of the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA). In addition to running a busy practice, Anthony has also appeared on countless print, radio and television media spots including ‘A Current Affair’, ‘Today Tonight’, the ‘Today Show’ and the Evening news on all commercial television stations. Anthony sees daily how chiropractic care and a healthy lifestyle can bring vitality and wellbeing to his patients. 

Dr Kim Lie Jom – NSW

Dr Kim Lie Jom is a caring, dynamic and talented chiropractor with over 20 years’ experience that has earned the respect and trust of his professional colleagues and patients alike. Kim’s knowledge of chiropractic grew as did his interest within the profession. Paediatric chiropractic, sports chiropractic and the concept of wellness chiropractic are of particular interest to him. With three young children of his own he is very aware of how making healthy lifestyle choices from a young age will serve you later in life. He is passionate about chiropractic and feels that the profession has enormous health benefits to offer the community at large and his goal is to educate and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health through natural chiropractic care. 

Dr Billy Chow – South Australia

Dr Billy Chow graduated as a chiropractor from RMIT University in 1998. Since graduating he has had a varied and enriching career in private practice, on boards and in business. Dr Chow is passionate about educating and inspiring people to make better choices and to live happier and healthier lives. Dr Chow believes that being on the Spinal Research Board is an honour and allows him to give back to his profession through service and provides him an avenue to promote, fund and facilitate more research faster for the chiropractic profession.

Dr Ashley Dent – Tasmania

Dr Dent graduated from Macquarie University in Sydney in 2010 where he was awarded the Ed Devereaux Award for Services to the Student Body. He is active within the Australian Chiropractors Association at a state and national level chairing the public engagement committee and being a member of two other committees. He volunteers his time with St Vincent de Paul to bring chiropractic care to the homeless and vulnerable in Hobart. Dr Dent has a keen passion for helping people improve their long standing (chronic) back and neck pain and then progressing their spinal health through exercise and rehabilitation so that they are stronger and healthier than they’ve ever been.

Dr Joshua Tymms – Western Australia

Dr Joshua Tymms discovered chiropractic as a child and has been fascinated with its application ever since. He graduated from Murdoch University with a Double Degree in 2006 and is registered as a chiropractor. He finished his International Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma in 2007 and has worked at many international level sports events. He is studying a double masters in public health and business administration to help build skills in these areas.


Spinal Health Week - 22-28 May 2023

Spinal Health Week (22 - 28 May 2023) is an initiative of the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA).

Spinal Health Week has been running for more than 25 years and is Australia’s longest running national health awareness campaign dedicated to improving the spinal health of Australians of all ages. 

Annually, Spinal Health Week focusses on a specific spinal health issue while promoting the importance of maintaining good spinal health to improve overall wellbeing. 

In 2023, the campaign focusses on the causes of headaches and the negative effects headaches are having on families, workers and the Australian economy. 

With more than 7 million Australians suffering from debilitating tension headaches, and more than 4.9 million suffering chronic migraine, the economic impact to Australia exceeds $35.7 billion annually.

During national Spinal Health Week 2023, the ACA will tackle spine related headaches head on by increasing awareness of the painful condition and improving spinal health through effective drug-free solutions that limit the impact headaches have on the quality of life of over 46% of Australians.

The Australian Chiropractors Association

The Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) is the peak body representing chiropractors. 

The ACA promotes the importance of maintaining a healthy spine to improve musculoskeletal health and offers drug-free spinal healthcare and lifestyle advice to help Australians lead and maintain healthy lives. 

With approximately 3,000 members, the ACA is Australia’s largest chiropractic health body that’s taken a leadership role in promoting the importance of maintaining a healthy spine to maintain the overall health and wellbeing of Australians at home, work or at school.

The cost of headaches on Australians and the economy

Headaches and migraines can be debilitating and impact every aspect of our lives. Annually, 7 million Australians suffer from tension headaches while 4.9 million suffer from migraines causing lost social activity, concentration and productivity in the workplace. 

With more Australians suffering from migraine or tension headaches than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined; the cost to the Australian economy is around $35.7 billion annually. 

However, the real cost to headache sufferers is immeasurable. The impact headaches have on their quality of life can greatly limit productivity at work and study, and rob sufferers of essential relaxation, social activities and precious time with children, family and friends. 

What are the most common headache disorders? 

The three main headache disorders are tension and cervicogenic (neck related) headaches and migraines – all having disabling potential.

What causes headaches?

There are many causes of headaches but studies have shown some of the most common causes are stress (at home, work and school) and spinal health conditions. 

A wide range of activities that can cause spinal health conditions that lead to headaches include sports and exercise; poor posture (at work and home); physical activities (dancing, cycling, shopping, driving, gym, etc.); eye strain (including excessive screen time); dehydration; caffeine dependence and withdrawal; smoking and bright or noisy environments.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common form of headache causing mild to moderate pain. Described as a ‘hat band’ tightness around the forehead, temples and back of the head, tension headaches are often triggered by stress or fatigue. However, chronic tension headaches (those that persist for a long period of time or constantly recur), can be caused by ongoing stress and fatigue as well as physical and psychological or emotional health conditions. Chiropractic care provides an effective, reliable drug-free treatment for tension headaches and minimises reoccurrence.

Cervicogenic Headache

Cervicogenic (neck related) headaches are due to a disorder of the top of the spine involving the bones, joints, muscles or ligaments in that area. Cervicogenic headache pain starts at the neck and can spread to the eyes, forehead, and temples. Pain is moderate to severe but not excruciating or throbbing. Cervicogenic headache is often associated with mild to moderate dizziness/light-headedness/unsteadiness. Studies confirm drug-free chiropractic care is more effective in treating cervicogenic headaches than mobilisation or exercise alone.


Migraines are a chronic and disabling condition that often begins with a dull headache and develops into a constant, throbbing and pulsating pain at the temples and the front or back of the head. Sufferers can also experience nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise.

Migraines can be a complex and varied disorder with a range of severity, types and symptoms. 20% of migraines are ‘Classic’ migraines (with Aura) and 80% are ‘Common’ migraines (without Aura). An Aura is an important symptom that typically precedes the headache. Sufferers may also experience blurred vision, blind spots, and pins and needles in the face, hands, or arms.

Although migraines are often under-diagnosed and under-treated, chiropractors can help diagnose migraine and provide drug-free care that’s been shown to decrease migraine duration and severity. 

Treating headaches with medication

While pain medications (prescription and over the counter) may provide temporary relief from headache; studies have shown that in some cases, the medications used to alleviate headaches can also trigger headaches. These are known as ‘Medication Overuse Headaches’ which is one of the reasons why drug-free chiropractic care is the treatment of choice among many headache sufferers. 

Drug-free chiropractic care – Treats the cause, not just the symptoms

ACA accredited chiropractors are Australia’s leaders in chiropractic care - a proven, effective, drug-free, low risk treatment for headaches, migraines and a range of spinal health conditions. 

ACA chiropractors are university trained healthcare professionals that effectively treat headaches and other spinal health conditions. 

ACA chiropractors use specialised non-surgical techniques including specific spinal adjustments, various manual therapies and soft tissue techniques while assessing lifestyle factors and providing relaxation methods to reduce reliance on medication. By treating the cause and not just the symptoms of headaches, chiropractic care improves the overall health and wellbeing of Australians.


Chiropractors conduct 300,000 consultations every week.