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DoorDash delivers on flexibility and mental health benefits to Dashers

Announcement posted by DoorDash 14 Mar 2023

New research highlights key trends amongst Dasher community

Melbourne, 9 March 2023: DoorDash (NYSE: DASH), one of the world’s leading on-demand local commerce platforms, today released findings from a new survey, conducted by YouGov, which gathered responses from a sample of 1,655 Dashers across Australia. The survey unveiled the reasons why Dashers choose to engage with the gig economy.   


With the research finding that Dashers choose to engage with the gig economy for reasons including flexibility, barrier-free sign up, and mental health benefits, the results are conclusive — DoorDash provides more Australians a flexible and safe way to earn, however and whenever they want. 


Rebecca Burrows, DoorDash’s General Manager for Australia, said that DoorDash is committed to offering Dasher’s fulfilling work opportunities by delivering on flexibility and job security. 

“The findings from the Dasher Survey solidify our priorities for the Australian market,” said Burrows. “We attribute Dasher satisfaction to the flexibility that DoorDash affords and continue to actively cater towards providing income opportunities for our Dashers.”

“DoorDash gives Dashers supplemental income and work opportunities in times of job uncertainty or economic stress.” 

Fumin Rianto, Associate Director, YouGov said: “The research of 1,600+ Dashers has given us a unique insight into the sentiment of Dashers in Australia.” 


“The response from Dashers is overwhelmingly clear - they choose this work for the flexibility and work-life balance dashing offers."


Survey research findings include:


Flexibility is important for Dashers and is a key reason for dashing

The research illuminated reasons for dashing unrelated to earning potential, finding that the value proposition for Dashers centres around flexibility. Nearly nine in ten Dashers cite flexibility as a key reason for their choice to dash. 

Respondents also referenced their ability to achieve or maintain work-life balance as a key motivator, with the inherent flexibility to choose the hours they work (61%), the amount of hours they work (57%), and the locations in which they work (44%) impacting their decision to dash. 

Given many Dashers have care and family commitments, the flexibility of dashing has also allowed Dashers to have time for these commitments. Almost two in three (64%) Dashers agree that dashing allows them to be more present/available at home.

DoorDash also enables job transitions, with almost half (47%) of Dashers saying it has given them the freedom to leave a job they don’t like.


Student and DoorDash driver, Alana Kidd, said, "I dash because I study full time and it allows me to work when I want to work. The flexibility DoorDash offers suits my lifestyle so much. It’s the perfect way  to keep motivated because I get to be my own boss, work when it suits my studying schedule and enjoy my own music whilst driving around.” 


Dashers get a sense of community, connection and mental health benefits from dashing 


The survey found that dashing is good for mental health, with the flexibility and ability for better work life balance a recurring theme throughout the survey results — when asked why they might dash over other earning opportunities, more than one in three Dashers said that the flexibility and autonomy of the work is best for their mental health.


A 26-year-old male from Queensland says, “Having the opportunity to work or not work depending on the state of my mental health [is a drawcard]. A regular job does not have the flexibility to simply stop when things get way too much.” 


And a 42-year-old female explains that dashing “provides good exposure therapy to aid in working on [her] anxiety.” 


The survey also found that Dashers are experiencing the incredible community benefits that come with delivering on DoorDash. Almost two in three (65%) agree that dashing helps them get to know their community. More than seven in ten Dashers (72%) say that they have started to get to know the businesses they deliver for, with nearly three in five (56%) claiming that they feel invested in the businesses they deliver for.

Furthermore, three in five Dashers (59%) say that they have started to get to know the regular customers of the businesses they deliver for. More than two in five (42%) also say that they have started to get to know the other Dashers in their area.


The majority of Dashers have work and other life commitments outside of DoorDash

The rising cost of living and decline in wage inflation has led to a significant boom in the demand for second jobs and side hustles. It’s clear that much of the population have turned to working several jobs to capitalise on their earning potential, driving the perception of the gig economy as the convenient, flexible option with the clear path and fewer barriers to supplementary income. 


As such, more than three in five (63%) Dashers work outside of the gig economy — and a significant number (29%) dash in addition to a full-time job.  


“DoorDash is proud to support its Dashers during times of economic instability. Living paycheck to paycheck is a massive source of stress for us Aussies, so DoorDash’s function as a supplemental source of income for many is something that we are proud to provide,” says Burrows.

Fewer barriers to entry has also meant that DoorDash can be a great platform for migrants moving to Australia who may have trouble finding work. In fact, a third of Dashers (34%) say that they work with DoorDash because of the ease of signing up. 


For more information on how DoorDash supports its Dashers visit: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwid38u3qID9AhVCHSsKHY4TCWoYABACGgJzZg&sig=AOD64_1JfpwzMZzZSij4rhVV7MLALX2CBQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiM3cS3qID9AhU_tmMGHUT-BlcQ0Qx6BAgIEAE 




DoorDash (NYSE: DASH) is a technology company that connects consumers with their favourite local businesses in 27 countries across the globe. Founded in 2013, DoorDash builds products and services to help businesses innovate, grow, and reach more customers. DoorDash is building infrastructure for local commerce, enabling merchants to thrive in the convenience economy, giving consumers access to more of their communities, and providing work that empowers. With DoorDash, there is a neighbourhood of good in every order.


Media contact

DoorDash Global Press Office 



Thrive PR on behalf of DoorDash

Danielle Grover, Senior Account Executive, Thrive PR


+61 452 429 685


Notes to Editors

From November 2 to November 18, 2022, YouGov fielded a 10-minute online survey with n = 1,655 Dashers in Australia. The margin of error was +/- 2% at the 95% confidence level, based on an estimated population of over 100,000 Dashers who were active in the 180 days to October 31, 2022.