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Legendary Pilots and Pioneers at NSWHPA AGM 2022

Announcement posted by NSW Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association 19 Sep 2022

Local and International Special Guest Speakers

Legendary pilots and pioneers in the flying community will share their experiences as guest speakers this Thursday at North Ryde RSL as a part of the New South Wales Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association Annual General Meeting. 

Bill Moyes “Australian Birdman”
Bill a pioneer in the production and development of the hang glider 
A living legend at 90 years old, Bill has 50 years of flying experience. 


Ken Hutt
Ken will share his hike and fly experience. This year he attempted to paraglide from Mount Everest. He plans to go again. In 2014, he climbed Mt Cho Oyu in Tibet and paraglided to Base camp. 


Gareth Carter 
Australian Paragliding Champion x 10 
Gareth will share tips for competition flying in Australia and overseas. 


Tim Rowlinson
Tim recently made the headlines for flying a paramotor over 4000 km from WA to Byron Bay 


Russ Ogden
Paragliding world champion 
“Riding the invisible, powerful natural energy of the sun to be able to soar like a bird is the stuff of dreams.”
Russ will share his experience as a factory test pilot in the research and development for Ozone. 


Australian Hang Gliding Team
Two members will share their preparation for the European Championship 2022

This year all Australian pilots been invited to attend. The special visiting guest speakers will share insider tips from their experience and enthusiasm for flying. 

Where: North Ryde RSL, 27-41 Magdala Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113
When: 6:30 pm Thursday 22nd September 2022


For further media information, 
Please contact:
Tim Sabre marketing@nswhpa.org
Marketing and Communications NSWHPA