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The event landscape has changed. Have you?

Announcement posted by Social Exposure 06 Jul 2022

Choosing between engagement, immersion and connection OR measuring the success of your event is a choice you no longer have to make.

This week Social Exposure launched their new website and with that a new direction for their unique business.

Social Exposure is a dynamic and forward-thinking photo booth and experiential marketing company that uses state-of-the-art tech to connect brands with people and people with each other, through meaningful and immersive social experiences. Their vision is to give people an opportunity to live their 'happy', tell their story and find their hero moment by immersing themselves in an experience. They not only want to change the way people see brands, one shareable social experience at a time but also want people to be their authentic selves and connect with their tribe through innovative and meaningful activations. 

Co-owner Mark describes, “Social Exposure was born out of our first love - PHOTO BOOTHS! We amped it up, pimped it out and got to work utilising some of the most modern and cutting-edge technology. We wanted to create awesome experiences for our clients.” 

Cassie (also Co-owner) explains several years down the road, “We have captured a niche of commercial business who want to empower their brands and create events to connect with, inspire and grow their audience, through bespoke, engaging and immersive photo and video experiences. Traditional brand launches just don’t cut it anymore. It is all about immersion and engagement, an area that Social Exposure specialises in.”

The combination of a distinctive deck of equipment and a team of creative professionals means you can rest easy knowing your event will translate from an in-person event to a branded viral digital sensation. But that’s not all! Strategic and meaningful event data is provided to drive future marketing activities and ensure a return on investment. Social Exposure is creative collaborators who start with the end in mind. They value partnerships, thrive on building meaningful relationships and provide a service that they are proud to put their name to.   

Social Exposure isn’t just their business name, it’s their guarantee!

Social Exposure

1300 236 894
