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Room For Improvement: New SafetyCulture Research Finds Three in Five Workers Observe Operational Issues At Least Once A Month

Announcement posted by SafetyCulture 27 Oct 2023


New 'Feedback from the Field' report from SafetyCulture reveals: 

  • Issues observed regularly, but rarely addressed
  • Frontline workers see the best ideas for improvement from their own ranks 
  • Despite the high cost of living, safety is still the priority over salary 


October 26, 2023 -  Today, SafetyCulture, a global technology company has released its third annual Feedback from the Field report, which gives insight into the views of more than 2,000 'frontline workers' in Australia, the UK and USA1. 


This year's report, Feedback from the Field: Room for Improvement has revealed that three in five (65%) workers observe operational issues monthly or more frequently, yet less than half (48%) see actions taken to address them within this timeframe. Interestingly, workers in Australia were more likely to spot issues than their UK or US counterparts.


Frontline workers, who constitute a staggering 80% of the global workforce, play a crucial role in our daily lives and the Australian economy, however, they often face challenges in having their voices heard and their needs addressed.2 The findings reveal a significant gap between what frontline workers desire and what their leaders perceive, highlighting the need for improved communication and engagement.


When it comes to problem-solving and operational improvements, frontline workers overwhelmingly believe that the best ideas for improvement come from their own ranks (49%), in comparison to from leadership (23%). Further, 73% say the business they are working in is not operating at its full potential.


Sam Byrnes, Chief Product Officer at SafetyCulture, said, "It's important to understand the feedback of our workers out on the frontlines. SafetyCulture was created to help transform the working lives of the 2.7 billion deskless workers around the world, and tapping into what's in their hearts and minds helps us do that.2 The world is changing quickly, so receiving this feedback at a time when we are preparing to launch the next era of SafetyCulture products is crucial."


The research also found that workers are desperately overdue for valuable training, with more than 3 in 4 Aussie frontline workers (77%) believing at least a few workplace injuries they've witnessed could have been prevented had those involved received better training and work instructions. Safety also remains a top priority for frontline workers, with 65% of global frontliners saying they would prioritise their safety over higher salaries if they were to seek a new job.


While challenges persist in the relationship between frontline workers and their leaders, the Feedback from the Field report also offers hope. Two in three (65%) workers are optimistic about the future of their organisations, and recognise that with the right tools and communications, businesses have the opportunity to harness the latent potential within their frontline teams. 


The vast majority of Aussie frontline workers  (71%) are likely to use a one-stop shop (platform) for their training and improvement needs rather than separate apps, and nearly two in three  (64%) said they would be excited to learn about AI and emerging technologies.


The report provides timely insights as SafetyCulture prepares to reveal the next version of their workplace operations platform - currently used by over 75,000 businesses and 1,500,000 workers around the world - which will continue to revolutionise the way frontline teams operate and communicate.






1 Frontline workers are defined as individuals who must "physically show up to their job" for example, the likes of hospitality, retail, manufacturing, and logistics workers. 


 Emergence (2018). The rise of the deskless workforce. 


About the research 


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.  Total sample size was 2,057 frontline workers aged 18+(757 US, 531 Australia, 769 UK). Fieldwork was undertaken between 9th-13th June, 2023.  The survey was carried out online. The figures in each country have been weighted by age, gender and location and are representative of US, UK and AU frontline workers (aged 18+). 


About SafetyCulture

SafetyCulture is a global technology company that helps frontline teams find a better way of working.  Its mobile-first workplace operations platform gives teams the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to meet higher standards, work safely and improve every day. 

The SafetyCulture platform powers over 800 million checks each year, delivers approximately 75,000 lessons per day, and informs millions of corrective actions. It gives leaders visibility and workers a voice in driving safety, quality, and efficiency improvements.


A recent analysis by Forrester found that SafetyCulture's flagship products provide a 214% return on investment for customers and $3.6M in cost savings from operational improvements. Customers of SafetyCulture's award-winning products include the likes of Cathay Pacific, DHL, AECOM, Coles and Ausgrid.