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GatsbyFlapperGirl.com Welcomes Eric Sweigert as a New Addition to the Team

Announcement posted by Gatsby Flapper Girl 06 Jul 2023

Exciting Student & Teacher Video Resources on the 1920s


GatsbyFlapperGirl.com, the leading online resource for all things related to The Great Gatsby and 1920s history, is excited to announce the addition of Eric Sweigert to their team. Eric is a qualified high school teacher with over 5 years of experience in Californian classrooms. 


He will be creating informative student and teacher resource videos on The Great Gatsby novel.


"Eric's passion for literature and teaching is contagious, and we are thrilled to have him join our team," said Kerry Wisby, the owner and founder of GatsbyFlapperGirl.com. "His experience and expertise in the classroom will be invaluable in creating dynamic and engaging learning experiences for our users."


Eric's love for literature has led him to share his knowledge and insights on the iconic novel, The Great Gatsby, and 1920s American history. In addition to his teaching career, Eric also loves doing voiceovers as a side project. He is an experienced video and voiceover actor, bringing his skills in performance and education to create a dynamic and informative learning experience for students with his easy-to-learn Great Gatsby videos.


"We are excited to see the impact Eric's videos will have on our users," said Wisby. "His passion and dedication to education will undoubtedly enhance our already comprehensive study resource."


Follow Eric Sweigert to stay updated on his latest projects.


Click here for more information on GatsbyFlapperGirl.com and its study resources.


Kerry Wisby
Owner and Founder
Email: info@gatsbyflappergirl.com

LinkedIn:  linkedin.com/in/kerry-wisby-b3a342282

Website:  www.gatsbyflappergirl.com

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