About Us

We have always been high-achievers. The truth is, this team is way faster than most people can perceive. We enjoy working with people and companies to have different possibilities into the local and global media. Enthusiastic is what our team have with life and it flows through our work and strategic planning, campaigns and media releases with clients and companies through the media people that we come into contact with. Commitment to our clients is something that we take pride in and to achieve the very best in all areas with them. To JKA Public Relation Media communication is an important part of living and having your message out there, to have someone that excels with enthusiasm to take it over the line in a way that hasn’t been seen and shown before is important and we know that our company can to do that for our clients.

Media Contacts

Websites & Online Services
Work: www.jka-publicrelationsmedia.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/JKAPRMedia

Office: +61484294088

Office: 608, Exford St, 4000, Australia